現在の海外の“日本のCITY POPブーム”を牽引してきた日本でも大人気のインドネシアのバンド、イックバル。
昨年5年振りにリリースした2ndアルバム「CHORDS & MELODIES」がロングセールスを続ける中、今年になって6/30に入手困難になっていた1stアルバム「AMUSEMENT PARK」を豪華拡張盤でリイシュー、また7/17のRECORD STORE DAY Dropsでは「CHORDS & MELODIES」をアナログ盤でリリースする等、まさに破竹の勢いとも呼べる彼らが待望の新曲を7インチのみでリリース。3ヶ月連続リリースの最後を飾るこの夏、最高の最新形CITY POPが完成!!!
Formed on December 24th 2011 at Bandung, Indonesia. name was created by converting our frontman name "Iqbal" into a Japanese katakana romanization. influenced by the 80’s Japanese pop song or so-called "City Pop" genre by the Japanese. They are much influenced by Japanese musicians such as , , Mariya Takeuchi, etc. has also collaborated with many famous musicians in Japan, such as , , , , , etc.
The first EP from "Heart House" was released by Japanese netlabel, Maltine Records in 2012. And their debut album "Amusement Park" album was released in Japan by Hope You Smile Records in 2014, making name really well-known in Japan. "Amusement Park" has been released into various physical releases, such as 12” vinyl by 2015 by Hope You Smile Records, then a cassette version in 2016 by independent Indonesian label Nanaba Records, and finally in 2017 they can released their debut album on CD in Indonesia through Monolite Records collaboration with Misashi Records.