"Nulbarich" brand new starring band from Japan, lead vocal and main producer by artistic talented singer song writer, JQ.
They've released their first album, "Guess Who?" on October, year 2016. After two years Nulbarich accomplished their Budokan live performance, tickets were sold immediately as well. Since then, Nulbarich has been on stage for over 50 times, including Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan.
The groovy sound that comes through JQ’s beat-maker background. With his fashion that he creates blending two different languages, sublime into their own emotional and pop sound.
“Nul”as nothing, but “Rich” as filled. Name of “Nulbarich” include the JQ’s ambivalent style.
前作『Blank Envelope』から9カ月ぶりとなる初のミニアルバムとなる本作には、9月20日公開の話題の映画「HELLO WORLD」の主題歌「Lost Game」や、アニメ「キャロル&チューズデイ」に提供した「Kiss Me」のセルフカバーなどを含む計7曲を収録。