台灣的人氣迷幻樂團「The Chairs 椅子樂團」黑膠發行確定!
在有著復古民謠感、引人入勝的優美旋律中,用迷幻的編曲和極簡的方式創作出獨一無二的聲響,瞬間在台灣的獨立音樂圈中展露頭角、也獲得金曲獎等各大獎項的提名,在海外也有許多支持者的「The Chairs 椅子樂團」終於迎來等待已久的第一次日本巡迴!
The Chairs are a soft rock band from Taipei, Taiwan, who have been making music together since high school. They are releasing their vinyl LP “Hey Aries” in Japan, which features ten songs that range from psychedelic rock to dream pop. The Chairs have a unique sound that blends Taiwanese, English, and Japanese lyrics with mellow and catchy melodies. --