“Rosalyn" is a deep and mellow acid R&B band from Bangkok. This is the cutting-edge sound of Thai indie music, where neo-soul and R&B are on the rise. They were a dark horse at last year's Wonderfruit festival in Thailand, and it seems only a matter of time before the rest of the world discovers their music! The LP will be released in time for the band's Japan tour! This is a masterpiece of acid R&B that will be passed down to posterity.
用醇厚緩慢的樂曲搭配情感充沛的悠然歌聲交織出色彩強烈風景的R&B 樂團「Rosalyn 」。在NEO SOUL、R&B等曲風堆疊出的歌曲中藏著泰國獨立音樂圈裡最先進的聲音,也成功炒熱每次的演出現場! 在去年泰國音樂節Wonderfruit裡也毋庸置疑的引起熱烈討論,被視為黑馬般的存在,在世界發光發熱也只是時間早晚的問題吧! 而為了這次的日本演出,Rosalyn也將發行巡迴紀念盤、絕對是可以祖傳世世代代的R&B名盤!發行紀念會除了日本巡迴外也將在台灣舉行,有空的朋友千萬不要錯過!!