「這是一趟清掃自己的房間,治癒內在陰影,回歸自性的旅程。」—— 9m88經歷首張專輯《平庸之上》發行後一連串生活的轉變及覺察,從膽大青澀到成熟自在,探索並練習伸展內心的幽微感知,無論那些是來自光明,或者暗處。
歷時近兩年籌劃,9m88在第二張專輯《9m88 Radio》中擴大野心,邀請來自世界各地,日本、韓國、美國、台灣、澳洲等國個人風格鮮明的製作人,9m88擔綱專輯統籌,團隊再加入出身伯克利音樂學院的資深音樂人余佳倫擔任音樂顧問,兩人協力製作,揉合交流各國創作人的編曲觀點與獨到音色的呈現,挖掘多層次聽感的聲音質地,藉由雙向創作的豐富能量,與世界鏈結通道的《9m88 Radio》就此成形,這是一張曲風穿梭在電子、Hip-Hop、R&B、Alternative Pop之間,具有國際市場發展潛力的專輯。
歡迎收聽《9m88 Radio》,專輯氛圍從容自得又充滿靈動,如同在收音機上滑過一個個不同頻道般,在數個風格之間轉換,既有潮流感的聲響,也有午夜電台的感性放送,像極一場私密又流動開敞的思緒漫遊,9m88的多變嗓音不僅僅在講述故事,也被她當作一種樂器使用。歌曲英文歌詞創作比例多過中文,對於國際聽眾更易於消化,捕捉創作所傳達的訊息。
《9m88 Radio》整張專輯構築出30歲女性的內心世界剖析,9m88將個人生命體驗投放表述同世代的生活及心境,對20代跨越到30代的「而立情結」,有著深刻同理與共鳴,以及90後現代女性的感情態度、事業立足的迷惑及自我企盼;這場帶有女性意志的陰性書寫,流動、多元且開放,整理心緒的過程,騰出了空間,使內心的剛性發芽,並重新把陰影所代表的那一部分自己,納入自性當中,使原本「對立」的內在聲音收合為一,真正開始能放下舊有,好好告別,陪伴自己前往下一個目的地。
在疫情時期產出的《9m88 Radio》,徹底實踐了遠距溝通的新生活型態,也回到很純粹的合作模式,因相互欣賞進而開啟共同創作。其中三首與女性製作人之間的火花,清掃房間角落的愛情陰影〈Whatchu Gonna〉(澳洲 Rainbow Chan)、描繪似曾相識的璀璨夢境〈Sleepwalking〉(韓國 SUMIN)、從容自嘲的失戀治癒處方〈Love is So Cruel〉(美國 Arthur Moon),繽紛細緻的器樂編寫,傳遞出女性創作者視野的理性與感性,以及與仰慕已久的本格派Rapper Oddisee合作曲目〈Friend Zone〉,特別值得一提的是,〈Star〉原是首張專輯的第一首暖身曲,以嶄新編曲重生回到《9m88 Radio》,9m88團隊笑稱,這一首原本要放棄的歌,找到了對的人,就像談感情一樣,一切都是緣分。這次有所限制的遠端合作,雙方回到最原始的溝通方式,用音樂直接交流,也給予彼此創作極大尊重,為每首歌曲找到好歸宿。
專輯平面找來上張專輯的視覺班底設計師趙家祺,由視覺統籌鍾韻掌鏡,女性攝影師特有的捕捉視角,封面中9m88有神有魂的放鬆神色,看進了鏡頭裡頭,展現女性的姿態,又有帶著男性剛毅的魅力。透過新作《9m88 Radio》,9m88再一次展現自己對音樂、對藝術的獨特理解,打破框架,從音樂跨足視覺、影像、時尚,集合各領域的藝術人才,逐步走向跨領域藝術家身份,創造作品的多維度觀點。
Taiwan's leading SOUL/R&B singer "9m88″ is set to release his long-awaited second album!
With guests from around the world including Oddisee (US), SUMIN (KOREA) and Mitsu the Beats/StarRo (JAPAN), 9m88's exceptional vocal ability and expressiveness are fully demonstrated in this world-standard NEO SOUL album!
The sophisticated arrangement of his cover of Mariya Takeuchi's classic song "Plastic Love" sung in Japanese has made him stand out from other artists who have covered the song, and his English-language vocals have also attracted listeners. Long-awaited new album!
It's been three years since 9m88's first album "Ping Yong 之上 = Beyond Mediocrity" was released in 2019, and the release of 9m88's second album is finally confirmed! After the release of the previous album, which was highly acclaimed as a new generation NEO SOUL/R&B work from Taiwan, 9m88 released their Jazz vocal work "This Temporary Ensemble" (EP) in 2021, which could be called their starting point, while collaborating with a wide range of artists. 9m88 Radio" is the release of 9m88, who has honed his singing ability and expressive power. The participation of a variety of guests from around the world is also noteworthy, including Layton Wu and other Taiwanese artists from the previous album, as well as US artists who have established a firm position with their organic sampling sounds and soulful lyrics based on soul and jazz. Washington DC rapper/producer Oddisee, SSW/multi-instrumentalist Silas Short, who has been highly recommended by Stones Throw Records, the most important label on the west coast of the US, and a producer who has provided songs for K-pop idols such as BTS and Red Velvet, but has also released his own music. BTS, Red Velvet and other K-Pop idols, while also providing music for her own alternative R&B and indie sounding Korean female SSW/producer Sumin, and from Japan, artists representing the club scene such as Mitsu the Beats and StarRo have contributed songs to the album. The producers have created a work that more than demonstrates the appeal of 9m88.