Bloodthirsty Butchers was a long-running indie rock and punk rock band from Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan. Although little-known in the West, they have contributed to two compilations on the Olympia, Washington based Yoyo label. The band has also released a split single with Rocket from the Crypt and a split EP with +/-. Japanese act Lost in Time named their band after a song from band's third album Lukewarm Wind. The long-term members are Hideki Yoshimura (vocals and guitar), Masahiro Komatsu (drums), and Takeshi Imoriya (bass). Former Number Girl member Hisako Tabuchi joined as an additional guitarist in 2003.[1] Famous Japanese actor Tadanobu Asano is an avid fan of the group and has sung and played guitar on a few of the band's songs. - Wiki
bloodthirsty butchersが1999年にリリースし、「ファウスト」や「プールサイド」などを収録した不朽の名作アルバム『未完成』。リリースからおよそ20年の時を経て、各所から熱望されてきたアナログ化が今回ついに初めて実現した。『kocorono』から3年近い期間を経てリリースされた本作はバンドにとって5thアルバムであり、切なく研ぎ澄まされた轟音はまさに日本のロックの金字塔として今なお輝き続けている。