As the eighth installment of "Bside K-Indies Series B333," an analog release project of talented Korean artists, Say Sue Me, Bosudong Cooler, and Hathaw9y 7-inch records will be released simultaneously on August 24. This time, three artists based in Busan, South Korea are included in the lineup, and Bside just announced the seventh installment of this series, "R&B Special," last month.
Bosudong Cooler is a folk-rock band that sings songs that make you feel empowered just by being around them.
The A-side, "Sand," is reminiscent of a life that is not easy to live, with a song structure that changes beats frequently. On the B-side, "Rubber," a song about a day spent doing nothing, the singer's somewhat relaxed delivery gives the song a moderate sense of lethargy and weakness that enhances the song's atmosphere.