As the eighth installment of "Bside K-Indies Series B333," an analog release project of talented Korean artists, Say Sue Me, Bosudong Cooler, and Hathaw9y 7-inch records will be released simultaneously on August 24. This time, three artists based in Busan, South Korea are included in the lineup, and Bside just announced the seventh installment of this series, "R&B Special," last month.
Slowly gaining popularity from the soundcloud is Hathaw9y, formed in 2020.
The A-side "Scribble," with its slightly twisted minor chord progression, is a song about loneliness that is always in progress and never ends.
The content of "hayley," which demands proof of love through bondage and obsession, expands the imagination with the octave apart voices of a man and a woman.
Their music, which they continue to release from Busan, the city of the sea, to the world, creates a space by the sea the moment the needle is placed on the record.