At the heart of the gigantic Bangkok city, KIKI was formed, a trio with various sounds blended with some bittersweet R&B voice from Helena, the lead singer and songwriter, alongside Boss and Non, the guitar players from Somkiat. Under the rocking heartbeat, some rough journey through the maze is on the way. Some goods and bads always come and go like a flavour of a huge chunk of ice cream. No matter how it tastes like, it is a part of the sensation of life. KIKI, as a villain in the middle of the madness, grabs their guts and tells some honest thoughts that hardly exist as we are carelessly moving through. This is some precious stuff that has been collected to be expressed in some exceptional form. It will all soon make sense, KIKI dares you to explore.
KIKI 來自泰國曼谷,旋律流暢圓潤加上女主唱 Helen 滑順柔性的音色,不禁令人聯想到瑞典樂團 The Cardigans。有著 R&B、Pop、Disco 與 Soft Rock 的音樂底蘊不僅適性,多變的合成器聲音點綴在輕快的節奏,使他們的音樂聽起來飽滿而完整,其歌曲的音樂性與豐富性更令人驚艷,不僅在泰國嶄露頭角,也被海外關注亞洲音樂文化的 88rising radio 強力推薦!不容錯過的泰國新勢力,KIKI 首張專輯《Metamorphosis: Final Stage》黑膠即將由大浪漫唱片推出!