Format: 1LP "Red" Colored Limited Edition
Sale price$1,034.00

Item Notes

1LP "Red" Colored Limited Edition
Release Date:
Label: WV Sorcerer Productions



A1 序言:霧水 = Preface : Foggy Water 4:00
A2 列寧在扭曲的時空中引述唯心主義 = Lenin Elaborated Idealism In Twisted Spacetime 5:24
A3 妻子讓我咽下最廉價的藥 = My Wife Let Me Swallow The Cheapest Medicine 7:02
A4 渡邊文樹的字幕 = Subtitles Of Fumiki Watanabe 6:31
B1 崩去北海道 = Leaving For Hokkaido, In Collapse 7:17
B2 九泉愛 = Love In Netherworld 5:23
B3 今夜,我看見了你最明亮的地方 = I Saw Your Brightest Part Tonight 5:20
B4 結語:再見,世界夫人 = Epilog : Sayounara Sekai Hujinn Yo (Tribute To 頭脳警察 Zunou Keisatsu) 3:39 

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