About Us

White Noise Records [Records Store, Label and Distributor]
White Noise Records was opened in April 2004 by three passionate music lovers. We quickly followed opening the record store with event promotions for Hong Kong’s burgeoning music scene. We have a long track record of inviting a number of well-known international artists to perform in Hong Kong. The three owners eventually landed on the name “White Noise” after each found they were all fans of an obscure 60’s UK band of the same name, and although each owner had his and her own particular and unique taste in music, each ardently respect the band. Aside from the hipper-than-thou reference to obscurity, White Noise signals the sounds of 60’s psychedelic rock, and the sounds that inspired the American noise guitar bands of the 80’s such as Sonic Youth, Swans, and Big Black, which represent the grittiest, roughest voice of the underground music scene.

WHITE NOISE [Event Promoter]
WHITE NOISE is an event promotion/production branch of White Noise Records. We have a long track record of producing quality alternative music, sound art programs, and have arranged over thirty events and two music festivals, namely the SAND festival and NOTCH08 festival. We have also worked with and invited to Hong Kong a number of well-known international artists such as Ólafur Arnalds (Iceland), Otomo YOSHIHIDE (JP), Yoshihiro HANNO (JP), toe (JP), Kashiwa Daisuke (JP), world’s end girlfriend (JP), yndi halda (UK), Tape (SE), Efterklang (DK), Kemialliset Ystävät (FI), Desktop Error (TH), Dave Phillips (SWZ), Sudden Infant (SWZ), 10 (JP/KO), Richard Francis (NZ), Lawrence English (AUS), Birchville Cat Motel (NZ), Evade (Macau), FM3 (CH), B6 (CH), Nara (CH), Me:Mo (CH), Zen Lu (CH), Mike Cooper (AUS), Tetsuo FURUDATE (JP), Jason Kahn (SWZ), Oren Ambarchi (AUS), Cedric Maridet (HK/FR), Islaja (FI), Runar Magnusson (IC), Marc Behrens (GER), Kapital Band 1(GER), Pei (TW), Yeoh Yin Pin (MLA), Hui-Sheng Chang (TW), EVOL (BZ), Ang Song Ming (SG). We have also worked with a number of local Hong Kong artists such as Fathmount, Li Chin Sung/Dickson Dee, Sin:ned, Nerve, and a lot more over the past four years. We will continue organizing events and bringing extraordinary listening experiences to audiences for years to come.
White Noise於2004年由三位音樂同好成立,他們各有不同音樂喜好,由Avant Rock到Indie-Pop、Post Rock到Expermential Noise、以至Free Jazz到Electronica,令White Noise取向一直保持開放態度,沒有任何風格上限界,只在乎音樂好壞。White Noise名字靈感來自60年代同名迷幻音響派樂團,以及Sonic Youth、Swans、Big Black等80年代冒起美國白人結他噪音樂隊,同時也代表著聲音中最底層。White Noise成立至今,除唱片零售和發行業務外,亦籌辦過很多音樂演出,當中包括toe、Ólafur Arnalds, Kashiwa Daisuke, Desktop Error, B6、Kapital Band 1、大友良英、Lawrence English、Sudden Infant,還有請來Tape、Efterklang和Kemialliset Ystavat北歐音樂節Notch Festival。