亞熱帶的南方海域,島嶼住民愛與鄉愁的寄託。單身的水母在尊龍譜寫的暖流中,自由地沉潛進思慕的泡沫。而 Michael 筆下,馬尼拉的夕陽、樹與微風都是家鄉,和海浪一起永存在旋律中。
The ocean can symbolize all kinds of feelings for people born on the islands of Southeast Asia, from romantic love to nostalgia. “Jellyfish,” written by Sunset Rollercoaster’s drummer Tsun-Lung, tells of a lonely jellyfish’s breakup story. As for Michael Seyer, the sound of waves brings him back to Manila, and everything he sees and feels—the sunset, trees, and breeze—are all part of Manila, his home in memories.