dawgss will release its first album "INORI" in analog format!
In addition to the debut track "ORANGE", "FINALE" with horn arrangement by MELRAW, and the latest track "Prayer" with guest vocalist "Sarasa", the album includes 10 tracks including "MOON WALK", "MUME", and "MAJIC" with live support members Sara Wakui and Ishiitomoki. The album also includes 10 songs in total, including "MOON WALK," "Mumo" and "MAJIC" featuring live support member Sarara Wakui and Tomoki Ishiitomoki.
Ryo Konishi (CRCK/LCKS, Zominsha), Yoichi Masago, Akinori Handa, Yuya Komoguchi, AAAMYYYY and TENDRE also participated in the recording, as well as vocal direction, with artwork by Fujii Seya and Rak, who have worked on a series of dawgss works.