Formed in 1987 while still in high school by Takuji Aoyagi (Vo/G), Masato Suzuki (Bass/Key), and Tsutom Kurihara (Dr/Per). They gained popularity while performing street shows centered around Shinjuku and Shibuya and debuted with a single in 1990 “THINGS TO HIDE”. Two months after their debut, Aoyagi left for Scotland and Suzuki for the U.S. to study language and music. In 91’ 1st album, “VISITA” was released. After the 3rd album, “little creatures meets future aliens” released in 97’, “KAMA AINA” (Aoyagi Solo) and a 10 member Esperanto Orchestra “Double Famous” (Aoyagi & Kurihara) with Suzuki as bassist and producer activities begun. In 2000, with the opportunity of changing labels they established a private label, “CHORDIARY”. In 01’ the 4th album, “FUTURE SHOCKING PINK” was released along with their first live album “the apex” in September the same year. In 05’ after their first overseas tour they released their 5th album, “NIGHT PEOPLE”. In the same year, they held their 15th anniversary festival at Ikegami-Honmonji Temple on a special outdoor stage. To celebrate their 20th anniversary from their debut, they released their 6th album, “LOVE TRIO” their first release in 5 years and their first best-of-all-time “OMEGA HITS!!!”.In January of 2011, they released a cover album, “RE:TTLE CREATURES” with luxurious artists participating that respect LITTLE CREATURES. In July 2016 they released their first “all Japanese lyric” based album “Unknown Album”. In September the same year, they held their first tour in 11 years. 2020 marks their 30th anniversary from their debut. In January of 2021, they released their 8th album, “30”. Existing with high ideals and working at their own pace.
LITTLE CREATURESがデビュー30周年を記念して2021年11月3日「レコードの日」にP-VINE、MIDI、TUFF VINYLからアナログ3タイトルを同時リリース!
TUFF VINYLからは2005年リリースの5thアルバム『NIGHT PEOPLE』が最新リマスタリング、カッティングで初アナログ化。LITTLE CREATURESならではのグルーヴ感が心地よいタイトル曲A1"Night People"で幕を開け、ソフトに揺らぐフェンダー・ローズの音色が美しいA5"Four In The Morning"。UK60'sを感じさせるハーモニーが印象的なB3"Sun Dance Round The Tree"。そしてB5"Morning People"で静かに幕を閉じる、パーフェクトな全10曲。楽器の音色、鳴りに拘った緻密なプロダクションが秀逸です。LITTLE CREATURESならではのロマンシズム溢れる00年代の名盤が16年の時を経て遂にアナログリリースです。