Chu Kosaka's laid back, yet funky Morning LP is reissued by Solid Records. If you continue reading, you'll see an absurd list of talent involved. Even further down we've embedded a YouTube link. If the former doesn't get you, the latter will!
A masterpiece in the history of Japanese rock with a soothing sound and personal appearance created by Haruomi Hosono’s most trusted singer, Chu Kosaka’s blissful singing voice and members around Tin Pan Array.
A masterpiece filled with the blissful singing voice of Chu Kosaka, the singer most trusted by Tin Pan Array led by Haruomi Hosono, and reliable performances centered on the Tin Pan Array network! Haruomi Hosono, Shigeru Suzuki, Tin Pan Array, backing by members around Bread & Butter, and Takashi Matsumoto also participated in the lyrics, which is an extension of Happy Endo and can be said to be the Kosaka version of the masterpiece “HOSONO HOUSE”. , A masterpiece of city pop produced by himself, making the soothing sound and personal appearance a masterpiece that remains in the history of Japanese rock without fading.
細野晴臣、鈴木茂をはじめ、ティン・パン・アレーやブレッド&バター周辺メンバーによるバッキング、作詞で松本隆も参加し、はっぴぃえんどの延長線上にあり、名盤『HOSONO HOUSE』の小坂版とも言える、心和むサウンドとパーソナルな佇まいは色褪せることなく日本のロック史に残る傑作にして、自身がプロデュースしたシティポップの名盤