Female singer songwriter born on April 7, 1953.
In 1973, made her debut with the album “Tobira no Fuyu”. After that, began making TV commercial songs (won silver prize at The 33rd International Advertising Festival in 1985), offering songs to other artists (a total of 130 tracks so far), producing and arranging in addition to recording overdubbed solo chorus works.
As of 2011, Yoshida has released 20 original albums, three collaboration works, and four live DVD works.
Her borderless style of music has caught the attention of people from various feilds, earning her the praise of being a unique, high quality artist.
細野晴臣、山下達郎、鈴木茂、大瀧詠一、佐藤博、村上秀一、林立夫 等豪華ミュージシャンが脇を固める中、ヴォーカリストとしての実力を発揮した傑作アルバム。佐藤博作曲の"レインボー・シー・ライン"、細野晴臣作詞作曲の"ろっかばいまいべいびい"、荒井由実による"チャイニーズ・スープ"等全9曲を収録。