Active since the early 70s, Taeko's first role was as a member of Sugar Babe with Tatsuro Yamashita. In the mid-1970s she began to release solo albums, regularly collaborating with Ryuichi Sakamoto and other members of the Yellow Magic Orchestra. Taeko appeared on Sakamoto's No More Landmine single in 2001 alongside David Sylvian and Cyndi Lauper and in 2010 released an album and toured with Sakamoto.
大貫妙子がMIDI時代の作品『Comin' Soon』をアナログ盤で再発売!アナログ盤再発に際して、リマスタリング&カッティングを世界的名エンジニア、バーニー・グランドマンに依頼、大貫妙子のセルフ・ライナーノーツも封入された完全生産限定盤となる。